Thursday, December 19, 2019

Critical Intersectionality Bromley Won t Be Making Your...

Critical Intersectionality: Bromley Won’t Be Making Your Head Spin In Bromley’s â€Å"Feminism Matters†, Chapter Four effectively argues that the way in which race, gender, class, ability, sexual orientation, and a variety of other social categories interact within each other to create a hierarchy of power within our society that has lead to an imbalance of privileges. Additionally, she manages to convince the reader that all these concepts are incorporated in the theoretical tool of intersectionality and that once we can understand this we will be better equipped with the approach to handle the struggles of modern day. Thinking of our positionality as being a blend of pre-existing conditions, we can realize that the advantages and disadvantages we receive in life are not only due to our gender, but the reality that â€Å"[we] might be living in Canada, in [our] first year of university, born in South Africa, a Buddhist, and struggling to pay for [our] living expenses, yet able-bodied and employed† (Bromley 2012). Bromleyâ€℠¢s choice to use real-life situations serves as an excellent means of showing the ordinary occurrences in our day to day life that demonstrate the ways in which hierarchies of power affect our lives in ways we do not realize. She continues by bringing in the reader to the understanding of the belief that these everyday oppressions are acceptable as they are perpetrated by the people who possess â€Å"(†¦) the power to determine â€Å"normal†Ã¢â‚¬  (Bromley 2012). When Bromley brings

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